so abbey, missy, blake, adrian and i decided to take a mini vaca saturday night. blake came down and abbey, missy and i drove to adrians house in west salem for a dorm vaca. danced the night away got hyped up on energy drinks watched a bazzilion movies and ate way to much popcorn but it was a good getaway before a stressful week to come :)

jump jump jump (if the song were playing right now you would understand

tha group

she laughed so hard she cried. probably the highlight of the night


abbbbbbbbigail and i

abbey and missy and I

blakkkee and i walkin walkin walkin

the lovely zack effron

lyd (who decided last minute she was too cool to go with us) stayed at the BORING dorm

im stealing him. this...is DAN the sweetest dog ever slept next to me alone with peppy adrians papillion and dorathy her wrinkle dog i cant remember what breed but i stayed warm and cozy all night. DAN is verrrrrry old but oh so cute :)

tha girlllsss